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Poker Theory

Many people think they have a great poker theory, but even though you think that you just may not have that. To be a successful poker player online, you must possess many winning traits. These winning traits consist of the following:

1. Patience, Patience, and More Patience -A great online poker player will possess patience and perseverance. Being able to fold and not panic without going on tilt will make you a successful poker player . Understanding the game and all the poker rules that come with the game such as bankroll management, making profit off a poker set, and learning when to fold and bluff. Bluffing in a cash game is vital to profiting and if the cards aren't coming, you may have to throw in some bluffs to take down pots.

2. Bankroll Management - When you are playing online; the worst thing you can ever do is play outside your bankroll. This will cause you to lose all your money in a hurry and for you to tilt and keep depositing, eventually going broke. It is such a horrible feeling losing your whole bankroll in one online poker tournament or 1 cash game hand, only to find yourself depositing another 100+ bucks again. 100 bucks here and 100 bucks there eventually add up. Pretty soon when the week is over you could find yourself wishing you never played in the first place.

3. Gain Experience -Playing online cash games enable you to gain irreplaceable experience. Experience that you will never find anywhere and you could never trade in any amount of money for experience.

Cash games online can be one of the best sources of income if you develop a winning strategy. Playing AA, KK, QQ , AK constantly will give you a winning strategy, but mixing it up with low suited connectors will also increase your bankroll. Throw in multi-tabling and BOOM, you can be earning well over the amount you make at your day job. I have completely quit my day job and focus only on cash games online. I make currently over 10K a month on average and when I reached the point of 5k+ a month, was when I decided to quit my day job and focus strictly on cash games.

Let's briefly discuss how profitable poker sets are. Now with poker sets, it is the deadliest hand in all of poker. You can see straights and flushes on the board, but there is NO WAY to see poker sets. If you are holding pocket AA's and the flop comes K, 2, 9 rainbow with no chance of a straight or flush on the board. You raise, a player re-raises you just can't think you're possibly beat. Well if they are holding pocket 2's, pocket K's, or pocket 9's your just about dead in the water. It could cost you a pretty penny, that is why sets are so deadly. Be careful and play smart, there is no way you can't make a profit online. I wish you the best of luck in your future poker career!


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